Monday 7 July 2008


Our eyeless stares, the endless stairs constrain;
Figures of proportional intention,
We blandly trudge from plane to transformed plane.

Warping up and wefting down in vain,
Aching for a canvas of convention,
Our eyeless stares, the endless stairs constrain.

Incidental in some artist’s brain;
Ageing embryos in mock pretension,
We blandly trudge from plane to transformed plane.

Playing out a lifestyle so mundane;
Stepping casually across dimensions,
Our eyeless stares, the endless stairs constrain.

Hear our lipless screams of inner pain
From hyperbolic heads in meek dissension;
We blandly trudge from plane to transformed plane.

So as the mathematical explain,
Confusion is this mother of inventions.
Our eyeless stares, the endless stairs constrain;
We blandly trudge from plane to transformed plane.

1 comment:

  1. I'm fascinated by this piece. It wouldn't be the same without the drawing. I'm just reading at the moment the Douglas Hofstadter book, Gödel, Escher and Bach: An Eternal Gold Braid, which talks about... well, all sorts of stuff including Escher drawings and strange proofs in maths. I think this poem fits in perfectly with some of the ideas there - you may care to take a look at it sometime (it was recommended to me 27 years ago and I've only just got round to it!)
    A lovely bit of writing, and quite different from other pieces here, in your 'can-never-guess-what-you'll-do-next' style!
